Getting started
I encourage you to learn how Dioxus works, when you are done you can continue here. Also make sure you have the followed the environment setup guide.
Now, let's start by creating a hello world project.
Creating the project
mkdir freya-app
cd freya-app
cargo init
Make sure to add Freya and Dioxus as dependencies:
name = "freya-app"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
freya = "0.1"
dioxus = { version = "0.4", features = ["macro", "hooks"], default-features = false }
And paste this code in your
#![cfg_attr( all(not(debug_assertions), target_os = "windows"), windows_subsystem = "windows" )] use freya::prelude::*; fn main() { launch(app); } fn app() -> Element { let mut count = use_signal(|| 0); rsx!( rect { height: "100%", width: "100%", background: "rgb(0, 119, 182)", color: "white", main_align: "center", cross_align: "center", onclick: move |_| count += 1, font_size: "35", label { "Click to increase -> {count}" } } ) }
Simply run with cargo
cargo run
Nice! You have created your first Freya app.
You can learn more with the examples in the repository.